Sunday, December 3, 2017

Finally another update

Hi awesome peoples,

So post again, there are two main things I should tell you about. Lecture phase, which is what currently is and has been happening, and outreach, which is happening soon. I will tell you about outreach first because that is more interesting.


So for outreach we are going to Nepal for the full three months, it will be split up a bit. For a basic overview some of the things we will be focusing on are, evangelism, Bible translation, Bible distribution, simple healthcare, teaching (though conferences and etc), counseling, art events, and research. So we will start in Kathmandu for 5 weeks, then after that we well head out into the Himalayan foothills and be looking for one (or multiple) of the 258 unreached people groups in Nepal. (

The school I am doing is called the TS (Transformation School) it is a worldview school, for the first 5 weeks of outreach, the part that is in Kathmandu, we will be combining with two other schools, the AES (Art Evangelism School) and FCM (foundations in Counseling Ministry school) are schools well combine in to smaller multi-disciplined teams. In Kathmandu we will do various things that use all of the skills we learned in lecture phase. AES will do public art things, like murals and painting classes and etc. and use those to engage and evangelize the community. FCM will offer free counseling. TS will do things like lead world view seminars and etc. We never know exactly what we will be doing on outreach but we have a few things in mind and will just take whatever opportunities come up. After Kathmandu we will separate back into our school and go in search of remote unreached people groups.

I am not positive where in Nepal my team will go but we will be looking for one or more of the following 12 unreached people groups: Belthariya, Chhintange, Chulung, Chulwa, Kayort, lambchhang, Lumba-yakka, Meo-hang, Phangduwali, Saam, Musasa, Yamphu. I think those are all spelled right but not positive. We will look for these people groups. Not much is know about them so we will be do some research about them as well. Basically while we are there just getting to know them and sending their location and some basic information about them back to YWAM. YWAM will just use the information to send more teams after we leave. We will also see if they want us to create things for them in their own language. Most of these tribes have nothing, no books, no movies etc. in their language, YWAM would be willing to partner with them in making media for them in their language. It is also a great way to share Gods love with them. We can create them Christian content in their own language. Also some of these groups don't have written languages only oral, for those people YWAM has actually developed a written language called Uniskript that oral cultures can adopt and use as written language if they wish. Some native American tribes have already adopted Uniskript as their official written language. Here is the site where you can learn more about uniskript We would not be teaching it to them ourselves. We would just be learning if they need or want uniskript and if the do specially trained YWAM teams would come later and implement it.

We will also be helping with Bible translation for these groups we would do oral translations, see this video. We are just the first teams coming in, hopefully someday these people groups could have full written Bibles in their own language, and things like that, however, to start we will do what we can with oral translation. Again I don't know exatly what this part of outreach will look like either. But this is some of the stuff we will be doing.

Doing all this does cost money, just for transport and living expinsises. Also I will probably have to buy hiking boot and cold weather clothing before I leave. So if you would like to donate anything to help with this please just let me know, and I can tell you how.

Lecture phase:

So lecture phase is all about learning whatever your school is about and outreach is about applying what the school is about. For me doing the TS it is about worldview. The first part of lecture phase is about taking apart your worldview and looking at each individual piece. The second part of lecutre phase is about putting it back together into a more Biblical worldview. Its alot about idintitfying and correcting biasses. The school is also very outword focused so it teaches how to see other peoples world views and help them see their world view and teach them correct views on things. Its a lot about thought processes and etc. Its a good school. But just to share a bit as an example. So one thing we learned about is what we call the 4 world view questions. The first 2 world view questions are ontology and epistomology. A dicitonary definition of ontology is: "a particular theory about the nature of being or the kinds of things that have existence" Though basically ontology is the study of our origin. Its where people think we come from, the word ontology is used in several diferent ways but in world view its basically what mankinds origin is. Epistomology is the study of how you know what you know, a dictionary definition for epsitomology is: "he study or a theory of the nature and grounds of knowledge especially with reference to its limits and validity." Though again in worldview its basically how you know what you know, where does truth come from, what is the source of knowledge. So now you know what ontology and epistomology are. For are homework each week we ask questions and then answer them, or sometimes we are given questions to answer. The questions for las week was given to us and we had to answer it, the question was: "how does your ontology affect you epistomology?" Some people I am sure enjoy thinking about these questions a lot, so if you do think about it for a while and let me know what you think. My conclusion was basically that the source of origin and the sources of knowledge our the same, so your epistomology and ontology are basically a loop constently effect each other. Though to more spefically answer the questions your ontology sets the boundries for you epistomology.

Anyway, thats just an update on what I will be doing and some of what I have been doing. If you read it all, thanks for reading! Feel free to message me with any questions or for more updates or whatever. Thanks!

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