My name is Jurney, though anybody who is going to read this probably already knows that. I currently live in Montana, however in three days I am leaving for a six month trip to Australia and the Philippines. I am starting this Blog mainly because I want to get better at writing I am starting it now in particular though because I thought writing about what I am doing on this trip would give me something to write about. Also a bunch of people said they are excited to hear about what I will get to do on this trip, so if you are one of those people here is a great way for you to stay up to date with what I am doing. So all that is to say that this Blog is basically going to be an online journal of my life. So it will probably include some details about what I am doing and probably a few of my thoughts on what is currently happening in my life. So if you read this Blog thank you for taking an interest in my life, I do appreciate it! Though I am not sure how often I will actually post. If people are actually reading my posts I know I will be much more motivated to post, but I am probably going to try and write something at least once a month, but hopefully more like weekly posts.
So now for a little information to get you caught up on what is going on now. So as I said I am about to leave for a six month trip. I am doing a YWAM which for those who don't know, YWAM which stand for Youth With A Mission is an international missions organization. They are a quite large organization and they do many different things I have a few books published by them so I guess they must have a publishing house, and I have heard something about them having a ship and that they ship medical supply's and such to poor countries. So YWAM has several things like that, that I am sure are having a huge impact on the world, but that I honestly know almost nothing about, as for what I do know about YWAM they have a lot of missions schools. I know they have a lot of different school but they are particularly well know for having six month long mission training schools where a person gets three months of class room teaching and then three months of actually doing missions work. I am doing one of these schools. The type of school I am doing is called a DTS or Discipleship Training School, basically a DTS is just the first school that anyone who does anything with YWAM has to do. YWAM has many other schools but almost all of them have a DTS as a prerequisite. From my understanding all DTS's will include basic Bible classes and classes on how to do mission work. There are also a lot of DTS's that have a secondary focus many of these secondary focuses are just fun things like surfing, skiing, hiking, music, photography, etc. I think the idea of having these secondary focuses is to show the students how to use what they love doing to serve God. I am doing a four wheel drive DTS so during the lecture phase we will do things like go on a few shorter off road trips, and then we will use our love of off roading to travel to hard to get places in Australia and do ministry. There are YWAM bases all over the world, including one in Montana which is where I am from, but this base in Australia is the only one I know of that does a four wheel drive DTS which is one of the reasons I choose to do this school in particular.
So there you have a short little summary of what I will be doing, if you want to know more, just keep reading my new posts and I am sure you will learn much more about it. Right now I am just in the final stages of getting ready to leave on this trip. Two things I wanted to do before I leave where start a Blog and a Vlog. So that is what I am doing today. Then I just have some packing and I have to go over all the paper work one last time and make sure everything is correct and ready to go and thats about it. So rather then rambling on with all the boring thoughts that are running though my head while I prepare for this trip, I will just end here. So if you want to keep up with what I am doing, please read my blog. If you do have any comments on how to improve my writing please share them (I really do need them) or if you have any comments on how I can improve and thing share them to. thats stuff is always good to know. Happy new year!
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